Louisville Random Address Generator

Following are the list of 20 random generated louisville address which you can use for data testing and other address validation purpose.

11753 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40205, United States
23181 S 2nd St, Louisville, KY 40208, United States
312001 Shelbyville Road D Ste. #104, Louisville, KY 40243, United States
42240 Taylorsville Rd, Louisville, KY 40205, United States
5291 N Hubbards Ln, Louisville, KY 40207, United States
6109 Blankenbaker Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40243, United States
77517 Outer Loop, Louisville, KY 40228, United States
83622 Mall Rd, Louisville, KY 40218, United States
97450 Jefferson Blvd, Louisville, KY 40219, United States
109350 Cedar Center Way, Louisville, KY 40291, United States
115406 Antle Dr, Louisville, KY 40229, United States
123103 Fern Valley Rd #105, Louisville, KY 40213, United States
132726 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40206, United States
14222 Eiler Ave, Louisville, KY 40214, United States
15815 W Market St, Louisville, KY 40202, United States
161015 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40204, United States
179565 Taylorsville Rd, Louisville, KY 40299, United States
182001 Production Dr #7, Louisville, KY 40299, United States
191033, 1860 Mellwood Ave #285, Louisville, KY 40206, United States
202301 Terra Crossing Blvd #101, Louisville, KY 40245, United States
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- You can use this json format address data in your application for testing.
["1753 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40205, United States","3181 S 2nd St, Louisville, KY 40208, United States","12001 Shelbyville Road D Ste. #104, Louisville, KY 40243, United States","2240 Taylorsville Rd, Louisville, KY 40205, United States","291 N Hubbards Ln, Louisville, KY 40207, United States","109 Blankenbaker Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40243, United States","7517 Outer Loop, Louisville, KY 40228, United States","3622 Mall Rd, Louisville, KY 40218, United States","7450 Jefferson Blvd, Louisville, KY 40219, United States","9350 Cedar Center Way, Louisville, KY 40291, United States","5406 Antle Dr, Louisville, KY 40229, United States","3103 Fern Valley Rd #105, Louisville, KY 40213, United States","2726 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40206, United States","222 Eiler Ave, Louisville, KY 40214, United States","815 W Market St, Louisville, KY 40202, United States","1015 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40204, United States","9565 Taylorsville Rd, Louisville, KY 40299, United States","2001 Production Dr #7, Louisville, KY 40299, United States","1033, 1860 Mellwood Ave #285, Louisville, KY 40206, United States","2301 Terra Crossing Blvd #101, Louisville, KY 40245, United States"]
- You can run this SQL query in your database and create random address table for data testing.
INSERT INTO ADDRESS (address) VALUES ('1753 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40205, United States'),('3181 S 2nd St, Louisville, KY 40208, United States'),('12001 Shelbyville Road D Ste. #104, Louisville, KY 40243, United States'),('2240 Taylorsville Rd, Louisville, KY 40205, United States'),('291 N Hubbards Ln, Louisville, KY 40207, United States'),('109 Blankenbaker Pkwy, Louisville, KY 40243, United States'),('7517 Outer Loop, Louisville, KY 40228, United States'),('3622 Mall Rd, Louisville, KY 40218, United States'),('7450 Jefferson Blvd, Louisville, KY 40219, United States'),('9350 Cedar Center Way, Louisville, KY 40291, United States'),('5406 Antle Dr, Louisville, KY 40229, United States'),('3103 Fern Valley Rd #105, Louisville, KY 40213, United States'),('2726 Frankfort Ave, Louisville, KY 40206, United States'),('222 Eiler Ave, Louisville, KY 40214, United States'),('815 W Market St, Louisville, KY 40202, United States'),('1015 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40204, United States'),('9565 Taylorsville Rd, Louisville, KY 40299, United States'),('2001 Production Dr #7, Louisville, KY 40299, United States'),('1033, 1860 Mellwood Ave #285, Louisville, KY 40206, United States'),('2301 Terra Crossing Blvd #101, Louisville, KY 40245, United States');

These are the valid Louisville address generated by our address generator tool, which you can use any type of data testing on your application also you can use these address for address validation on any online form.

Keywords Searched By People: Louisville Valid Address Generator, Louisville Fake Address Generator, Louisville Random Address Generator